Whether you've seen the full film or just the trailer, we'd love to hear your thoughts on FUTURE MY LOVE.
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Islay Roberts commented
2012-06-04 10:20:15 +0100
This trailer makes my skin crawl, The thought of freedom from a monetary system gets me so fired up, it’s such a positive trailer, humans are the most intelligent life form and we are surely here to protect, nurture and create rather than value money above human life. Beautiful images I can’t wait to see it.
Sven commented
2012-05-31 07:26:31 +0100
Im really longing to watch this movie – good luck with everything
Pete Zahutt commented
2012-05-30 16:48:51 +0100
I admit the preview gives me doubts about the filmmaker’s abilities, but it is only a preview. I’ll go to a showing.
Arturo Delgado Pereira commented
2012-05-30 13:23:57 +0100
I felt like part of a very interesting conversation while watching the trailer. I’m here, listening with wide open ears…Looking forward to watch the whole film at EIFF….
Emma Bestall commented
2012-05-30 13:20:50 +0100
As the consequences of our modern economy continue to paint an increasingly dystopian future we become increasingly dissatisfied. But is it really possible to create a society free from want and need – free of a monetary economy? If our relationship with the economy and the future really are human, are we able to separate our desire for a free, fulfilled society from our need for power? With the apparent aimlessness of the Occupy movement, it is exciting to see that someone is offering an alternate solution to our cost-cutting economy. I look forward to seeing what it is.