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Launch of Pay-It-Forward and Whisky Tasting at IDFA



Scottish Documentary Institute and Distrify invite you to the launch of a new way of gifiting a film to friends and strangers: Pay it Forward.

Join us for a free Single Malt Whisky Tasting at the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam. RSVP recommended.

November 23, 2013 at 10:00pm
Brasserie Harkema
Nes 67
Amsterdam, NH 1012 KD
Google map and directions
Michael Sanderson Julia Overton Kobi Shely Sándor Ms3 May Abdalla Genevieve Bicknell Marija Knezevic Anne Petersen Helen Jack Dan Rybicky Kk Apple Stephen Green Nienke Huitenga Anna-Karin Grönroos Fritz Kohle Laura Collado Daniel Singelenberg Marty de Jong Jordi Luque Agneta Mogren Eli Horwatt Terra Long Edward Cabagnot Aleksandra Derewienko Nick Higgins Paramita Das Wim Van Rompaey Kiley Kraskouskas Pawel Ferdek David Piperni Catherine Olsen Roi Frey Flore Cosquer Amy Rose Cynthia Kane Sonja Henrici Ben Kempas Finlay Pretsell Peter Gerard Jim Kolmar Britta Erich Emma Bestall Peter Jager AImara Reques Patar Simatupang Rachael Evans Katarzyna Boratyn Mallory Martin

Will you come?

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