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NEW TIDE ORQUESTA (from the Album 'Vesper')

Since 1996, Swedish New Tide Orquesta (formerly New Tango Orquesta) have, on five albums and a countless number of international tours, explored and developed the concept of nuevo tango. With their unique mix of baroque music, tango, free improvisation, minimalism, and romantique, they have gained territory all over the world with their special sound. Their focused performances are a complete acoustic, dynamic, and musically masterpiece one should never miss.

New Tide Orquesta (website) have released five albums: The New Tango Orquesta in 1998, Part II in 2000, the Swedish Grammy nominated Bestiario in 2005 and the recently released The Kiev Concert and Vesper in 2009. They have made music for movies and TV series, among others The return of the dancing teacher (Henning Mankell) and Sketches of Frank Gehry (Sidney Pollack) among others. They have made music for several dance and theatre plays. They have toured all over the world, performed at rock venues in Moscow, tango venues in Buenos Aires, jazz clubs in Istanbul, and concert halls in Beijing.

"This is brilliant. Anything can happen around the next corner, everything is possible."


Per Störby

Per Störby  is the musical motor in New Tide Orquesta as the composer and artistic leader. He started with chamber music and developed a unique mix of fugues, counterpoint, improvisation, dynamic, minimalism and baroque music. The latest music investigates, even more far-reaching, all possibilities in the ensemble's acoustic sound palette, with more accent on art and chamber music than before.

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