FUTURE MY LOVE is a unique love story challenging our collective and personal utopias in search of freedom.
At the brink of losing the idealistic love of her life, filmmaker Maja Borg takes us on a poetic road trip through the financial collapse: from a broken past, via utopian futures, to the possibilities we have today. Seeing the economy as a human relationship, and by questioning her own fears, hopes and desires, she invites us to explore how we could live differently. How much freedom are we prepared to give to the ones we love? And how much responsibility for our society are we ready to take on?
As the consequences of our modern economy continue to paint an increasingly dystopian future, Maja finds herself an unexpected companion in 95-year-old futurist Jacque Fresco from Venus, Florida. Growing up in New York City during the Great Depression of the 1930s, Fresco faced a crisis similar to the one we have today. But instead of trying to save the economy as we know it, he asked himself a different question about the future: Do we have enough resources for everyone and can we distribute them directly, without money?
The answer he found was ‘yes’, and so he spent the rest of his life designing a ‘Resource-based Economy’ where every person on the planet would have enough food, clothing, housing and education without using ever money or debt – a pragmatic realisation of a free society through the ‘intelligent application’ of technology.
As Fresco’s 70-year-old social designs seem more radical than any solutions presented today, Borg begins to retrace Fresco's life and theories – from encounters with Technocracy Inc., the forgotten social movement of the early 20th Century that even then questioned the suitability of a monetary-based system, to those at the forefront of technology today: the Free Energy Movement and 3D printing, whose work could not only revolutionise the production of goods and the supply of services, but transform our entire economy.
FUTURE MY LOVE challenges us to understand why we resist change as individuals and as a society – when we both can and have to.
Carefully weaving a texture of archive footage, black and white Super 8 film, and colour HD, Borg poignantly depicts the universal struggle between our heads and hearts in times of radical change.